28.05.2020 16:29

Call for papers - 70th anniversary of the ECHR (International conference, 26-27 November 2020, Charles University, Prague)

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) officially titled the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was opened for signature in Rome on 4 November 1950 and will turn 70 this autumn.

The Conference on 70th anniversary of the ECHR is jointly organized by the Human Rights Research Centre (VCLP-UNCE), International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Charles University and the Czech Society of International Law (CSMP-CSIL).

The Conference’s main objective is to address various aspects of the most important features of the ECHR system in order to celebrate its achievements and to discuss challenges. It aims to provide a floor for dialogue to the scholarly community researching the ECHR as well as to legal practitioners and the representatives of the Czech government.

The organizers are particularly interested in presentations that address one or more of the following topics (although any paper proposal relevant to the subject of the conference will be considered):

  • Historical analysis of the ECHR mechanism
  • The ECHR in times of crisis (the Covid-19 crisis and not only)
  • The impact of ECtHR judgments on domestic law
  • The ECHR in interaction with the other international courts
  • National perspectives on the ECtHR approaches
  • The ECtHR and the other CoE institutions
  • Rights of minorities under the ECHR
  • The ECHR and new technologies
  • Business and the ECHR
  • The ECHR and migration law

Paper proposals, no longer than 150 words, should be sent to:

Prof. Pavel Šturma (sturma@prf.cuni.cz)
and Dr. Alla Tymofeyeva (tymofeya@prf.cuni.cz) 

no later than 19.00 CET on 7 July 2020.

All submissions need to be accompanied by a short CV (up to 50 words).

We will respond to all submissions by 9 September 2020.

More information on




Právnická fakulta,

Výzkumné centrum
pro lidská práva
nám. Curieových 7
116 40 Praha 1

Prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
koordinátor Centra

Tel.: +420 221 005 439


18. června 2024

Vyšlo nové číslo Bulletinu
 VCLP č.1/2024 .



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