26.11.2017 12:25

Call for Papers (Deadline: 12.01.2018): Human Rights in a Digitalised World (19th Annual Student Human Rights Conference)

We are delighted to announce the 19th Annual Student Human Rights Conference, ‘Human Rights in a Digitalised World’, convened by the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre.

This year, the Conference Committee will be welcoming papers from postgraduate students that discuss the following themes:

  • Protecting the Right to Private Life in a Digitalised World.
  • National and International Security vs. Individual Rights.
  • The Internet as a Platform for expressing Ideas: a Blessing or a Curse?
  • Should Internet Access be Considered a Basic Human Right?
  • Adapting Human Rights Law to an increasingly Digitalised World.
  • What approaches have the European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights taken?

We would like to encourage the submission of papers from postgraduate students in any discipline on any of the above themes. The deadline for the Call for Papers will be Friday 12 January 2018.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Committee at: humanrightsconference@nottingham.ac.uk

We look forward to receiving papers from your students!

With best wishes,

Conor, Devni, Elena, Neely and Rachel Benton
(the Conference Committee) 





Právnická fakulta,

Výzkumné centrum
pro lidská práva
nám. Curieových 7
116 40 Praha 1

Prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
koordinátor Centra

Tel.: +420 221 005 439


18. června 2024

Vyšlo nové číslo Bulletinu
 VCLP č.1/2024 .



United Nation Web TV: 

Prof. Pavel Šturma přednáší svůj příspěvek na téma "Succession of States and State Responsibility":

Video o Radě Evropy

Rada Evropy ve svém videu představuje svoji práci, spočívající v prosazování a ochraně lidských práv, demokracii
a právního státu: