23.10.2017 12:07

Conference: Business and Human Rights (November 27, 2017, PF UK Prague)

Date:    November 27, 2017
Place:  Faculty of Law, Charles University, nám. Curieových 7, Prague 1, Czech Republic (Conference room No. 117)
Organizer: UNCE, Human Rights Research Centre of the Charles University Faculty of Law&Department of International Law, Charles University Faculty of Law


Preliminary Conference program

Start:  9:30
Invitation and Introduction (Pavel Šturma, Charles University)

Panel I: International Law Framework
Panel Chair: prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
1. Human rights and international investment law (Pavel Šturma, Charles University)
2. Question of s.-c. cross fertilization of human rights protection in the framework of international economic institutions (Martin Faix, Charles University)
3. Social networks: The Internet as a weapon of terrorist groups to recruit young people (ViníciusAlmadaMozetic, UNOESC)
4. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (Ondřej Svoboda, Charles University)

Panel II:EU and Constitutional Framework for National Implementation
Panel Chair:
5. Business Corporations and the Constitutionalization of Private Law (Pavel Ondřejek, Charles University)
6. The European Union and the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Harald Ch. Scheu, Charles University)
7. Czech National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (Martin Archalous, Office of the Czech Government)

Lunch (13:00 - 14:00)

Panel III:CSR and Labour Law
Panel Chair:
8.  Legal aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility – selected examples from the CzechRepublic (Jana Ondřejková, Charles University)
9.  The complexity of migration and the possible protection to foreign workers (Rogério Nery da Silva, UNOESC)
10.  No right to privacy on workplace (Martin Štefko, Charles University)
11.  Cap and trade and its effect on human rights (Ana Vrabič, The Hague University)

Panel IV:Business and Human Dignity
Panel Chair: 
12.  Decision-making autonomy and right to the own body: The reflection of the new conception of private autonomy gender, genetic identity and euthanasia in the XXI century (Riva Sobrado de Freitas, UNOESC)
13.  Selling and owning human body parts in the light of human rights: the ideal and the current practice (Petr Šustek, Charles University)


Refreshment (17:30)




Právnická fakulta,

Výzkumné centrum
pro lidská práva
nám. Curieových 7
116 40 Praha 1

Prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
koordinátor Centra

Tel.: +420 221 005 439


18. června 2024

Vyšlo nové číslo Bulletinu
 VCLP č.1/2024 .



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Prof. Pavel Šturma přednáší svůj příspěvek na téma "Succession of States and State Responsibility":

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